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Simplicity was my 2019 word!


It all began with a little girl and a dream....dreams do come true! With dreams come happiness, sadness, struggles, motivation, love, inspiration, and God’s love. Without all these, we cannot find our inner joy. HS Designs has been my spirit animal for many years, and I am pleased to say I can now share it with others.

My inspiration came from a simple fork, and one little word. I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions, because we all know the end of that story.....So as I sat there in a hardback chair listening to a speaker at a conference and she went around the room singling out each person asking “What is your word.” Geezzz I sat there, I listened to what others had to say, tapping my pencil on my Big Chief tablet...then it became my turn. With a blank stare, I had nothing......I acted as I was in middle school, I said a prayer and BOOM! Then, it came to me......”Simplicity” I knew I must simplify my life some how someway.

My goal is to help Simplify your event. Rather it be staging your home to sale, celebrating a new home and we must have an un-packing party, Designing your dream home that you have pinned on Pinterest, decorating your party rather it be a backyard BBQ to a corporate event to the wedding of the season. We have some amazing team members that can make your dreams come true just like mine.

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